Sunday, October 18, 2009


I guess when you're young you're dumb but sometimes when you're young being dumb is just an added bonus to the long term lesson that is learned. You spend your whole life wondering what's going to happen next. When you're young the what happens next doesn't matter as much as it should. You spend your time doing stupid things and running from everything. I'm starting to learn my life long lesson, i've spent the past 21 years doing what I want to do and i've loved every bit of it. I plan on doing what I want for the rest of my life and there isn't much to stop me. I've learned that you can't just be happy unless your doing something you want to do. This sounds like a simple lesson and it is, just most people don't figure it out very fast. You can do some much if you are interested in something and you can be that much more happy about doing it. You don't have to make yourself like it because you already do.