Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life Long Dream

I've spent my life looking,
Looking for that one person,
The person that will take me away,
Away to another place,
The place where we are happy,
Happy to be together,
Together we shall stay,
Stay with a family,
A Family and friends,
Friends we will meet,
Meet around the play ground,
The play ground with our kids,
Our kids will play,
While we sit.
I've spent my life looking for you.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I guess when you're young you're dumb but sometimes when you're young being dumb is just an added bonus to the long term lesson that is learned. You spend your whole life wondering what's going to happen next. When you're young the what happens next doesn't matter as much as it should. You spend your time doing stupid things and running from everything. I'm starting to learn my life long lesson, i've spent the past 21 years doing what I want to do and i've loved every bit of it. I plan on doing what I want for the rest of my life and there isn't much to stop me. I've learned that you can't just be happy unless your doing something you want to do. This sounds like a simple lesson and it is, just most people don't figure it out very fast. You can do some much if you are interested in something and you can be that much more happy about doing it. You don't have to make yourself like it because you already do.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


When people walk... It's a new story! When people walk it's because of something special! They walk because they have something to show... whether it be they just got out of jail or they just won the noble prize... They walk because they have something special. I want to walk because I've always dreamed of something special but have only had it a few times... Getting something special takes more than just having fun in bed or having fun at a party. It take devotion and most people don't have it........

That's just to bad.!
It's been a long road... a road not many people are willing to take. We don't take it for the fun of it... We take it because we have to... We take it because that is all we know... We take it because we have done so much that nothing else works but this...

What is this?


When a company is thinking green (Eco-Friendly) a company is thinking more about the big picture. They are thinking about what may happen in the future, how much they can save. The company is thinking about how they can better the planet as well as how they can better their company. The things people don’t understand is when they are in the process of “going green” how much money is invovled. They may not realize how much work it really is. The true question is, “Is it worth it?”
The answer is yes! Of course it’s worth it! You many put a lot of time and effert is trying to achieve what most think is impossible but it is 100% worth it. The amount of money and time you will save in the long run is substantial, not to mention the amount of lives you may save. Think about this and get back to me. I want to hear your thoughts


Can you imagine what it would be like if you could go back to being a little kid again? What kind of things you did and the people you hung out with. The places you used to go and the things you uses to think about. What would you do if you ever got the chance to go back? To revisit your thoughts and revisit those places. Would you be excites or overwelmed with joy? Would you want to stay or go and never return? Would you ask yourself, “What happened to that ME?” Would you say to yourself, “I’m glad that I’ve grown up into the person that I am today.” Have you ever thought of it this way? Do you really like who your are?

I do

some people

Some people change... you never know it until it actually happenes... They change for good! You can't tell but they really do change, they may not change for the good but they may change all togehter. They may just change for the worst and nobody knows what to do. People change... they change no matter what happens... Whether they change for another man, whether they change for another friend, or whether they just change because they don't like the person they are....

Monday, June 8, 2009

What is it

What is it that takes away your freedom?
What is it that steals your mind?
Your heart
Your beliefs
The things that you value

What is it?

What forces you to learn?
What forces you to believe?
What forces you be a leader?

What is it?

Who tells you to stop?
Who tells you to be a man?
Who tells you to be yourself?

What is it?

When do you figure out in life what controls your mind?
Your body?
Your heart
Your feelings

What is IT?

Letting go...

Somethings you can't ever let go... But then one day it clicks and you say goodbye!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunny weather

Is it the sunny weather that puts people in a good mood?
Is it the smell of spring?
Is it the fact that the water is warm, the pools are open, the people are tan, the beer is cold...


I'm not sure if that's the case with everybody but, for the most part that's how it is with me.
I'm a sunny weather kind of guy.
Love to be outside
Working on yards
Cooking on the grill
Playing sports with my shirt off
Sitting at the beach with a cooler of cold beer

Let's my mind run wild
Think about anything or not think at all

Friday, May 15, 2009

What's next?

What’s next?
Where will it take me?
Who will join me?
How free will it make me?

Will I find it?
Does it exist?
Can you hear it?
How long will it take?

Do you know its coming?
Can you touch it?
Hold it in your hands?
Touch cheek to cheek?

What will it bring me?
How long will it last?
Does it make since?
Can you love it?

Does it believe?
Where did it come from?
Who thought of it?
Can you dream about it?

What’s next?

Friday, April 17, 2009

What would happen?

Do you ever think what would happen if you could go back and relive certain moments in your life? Like going back in time! If you could go back and fix all the mistake you have made. If you could dream of the right things. If you could set better goals. If you could say the right things. If you could take away all regrets. What would happen? Where would you be now?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Do you ever feel that people change?
Maybe they change for a reason,
Maybe they change for good,
Maybe they change what they believe in,
Maybe they change the way they look,
Maybe they change...

Do they change for a reason?
Do they not believe?
Do they not like their look?
Do they have a choice to change?
Is it a just because?

Have they been the same?
Have they lost touch?
Have they left your life?
Have they forgot the old days?
Have they forgot their dreams?

Will they forget their friends?
Will they forget their loves?
Will they forget their true beliefs?
Will they ever forget?

"Still in the making"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



The life that we have all lived
The life we are all living
Things we have all gone through
Things that shouldn’t be
People that stop us along the way

Along the way to a new
A new place of happiness
The feeling that people feel
Throughout the life they live

The confusion that shouldn’t be
The people that shouldn’t be confused
The happiness that we all lose
The people change
The friends dismiss you

For what…

The one thing you love
The one you love
The life you loved
They take it all

The change that you made
Took it all
Made it seem like nothing
It never happened
Your life seems over

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Uncle Andy

I am an uncle of a new little baby girl! My sister had a new child on March 24th! Her name is Payton Lee. I'm going home to visit on the 1st of April and I can't wait. I've been an uncle for 3 years, I now have two nieces (Payton & Riley) and one nephew (Carson). I love them all! I currently live with my one niece Riley, loving every bit of it. I woke up the other morning to Riley screaming, "Andy!! Open the door! Get up!" I proceed to get my niece out of her crib and let her go into her daddy's room. Ten minutes later, after I had already fallen asleep again I feel a little thump on my head. I open my eyes only to see Riley lying next to me curled under the covers saying, "I lay with you" You can't turn a cutie-pie like her down. So we laid in bed together and I slept and she snored. It's things like this you love in life. I can't wait to see my family and new niece (Friend) next week!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Big Dance

It's that time again! Might as well be one of the best times of the year!! March Madness is here! My Jayhawks made it to the tourney and I'm ready to see what they can really do! It's going to be an interesting tournament! There is a lot of good teams in it this year or a lot of teams with great potential! I hope everybody has filled out a bracket and is ready to watch some good basketball!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Tomorrow I don't know this girl,
Everything changed,
She talked to other people,
I was interested in other girls,
She had different friends,
I drove myself away,
She turned around and walked away,
I waited for awhile.

Later I see that girl,
She looks familiar,
I listen to her,
We talk about life,
I tell her my struggles,
A different girl?
I share my thoughts with her,
Share emotions,
She responds...
She can't stop thinking about me,
She can't walk away without me,
She can't sleep without saying goodnight,
She can't dream without kissing me,
Is she different?

Is this the same girl?
Do things change like that?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I look Deep

I look deep,
Deep into my mind,
Mind with no ending,
Ending with little time,
Time I wish I could keep,
Keep with in my heart

Feelings with a lot of love,
Love your life,
Life to be your own,
Your own true place,
Place of freedom,
Freedom within your heart

Listen to what your heart says,
Says to you about life,
Life the way it is when you find out how deep,
Deep it took to find,
To find your truth


Do you ever think about your regrets in life? Maybe how you could change them or what you could have done differently back them for things to still be the way they were.

Thinking about all the problems you've had, all the mistakes you made...

Does it ever change anything?

Thinking of the mistakes you had in the past and the problems you had in the past will never help solve them.

You have to think about the future and what you're going to do, to stay away from making mistakes. You have to learn from your lessons and most people are very good at that.


Do you ever get so anxious about something that you can't stop thinking about it!!! I sure do! I bought a ticket to go visit my family in Kansas. I am so excited to go back and visit that I can't stop thinking about it! It's a whole month away and the more I think about it, the longer it's going to take for this fun trip to happen. I wonder if things have changed in the 2 months that I have been gone. I wonder if it will be as if I never left. I doubt it but you can never tell. I'm ready to play with my nephew outside and have a good ole' time. I'm ready to see my sister and my new niece! Wow! It's seem that there might be a good amount of change by the time I get there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today I met this girl...

Today I met this girl,
The one that I love today,
Is the girl that I talk to everyday?
The one that drives me insane for her,
The girl that I can't stop thinking about,
The one that is always there,
The one I can tell everything,
The girl that I never will forget,
The girl I wish to spend my life with,
The one that people look at cause she is so beautiful,
That the girl I love,

The girl that I know has a big heart,
The one that I kiss everyday,
The girl that makes me happy every time I see her,
The one that makes me feel special,
The girl that brings out the real me,
The one that is in my dreams,
The girl I can't stop talking to,
The one that share everything with,
The girl that shows her true colors,
The one that doesn't hold back,
The girl that I'm talking about,
IS you,
The one I love the most!
The one I love is You!
The One that I will always love it’s YOU

Monday, February 23, 2009


Do you have the strength
Do you have the nerve
Do you have the will power
Do you have the freedom
To enjoy.

Do you have the friends
Do you have the family
Do you have the love
Do you have the spirit
To enjoy.

Do you have the trust
Do you have the faith
Do you have the stamina
Do you have the courage
To enjoy.

Do YOU have it? I do...


Can you define the word life?
- the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

What conditions distinguish organisms from inorganic objects? What is an inorganic object?

An object that does not have the structure of a living being...

How do you describe a living being or the structure of a living being?

Is it an organic object that provides growth, structure, and reproduction. Yes it is!

So what is considered dead?

What is love?

What is love? Is it when you wake up every morning next to the woman of your dreams? Is it when you kiss somebody goodnight each night? Is the girl that you dream of? Is it your new born child? Is it your best friends? Who knows?

Is it possible to define love?

I don't think that you can tell somebody what love is... It can be a number of things... Is it passion? Is it devotion? Is it a term that is loosely used?

Friday, February 20, 2009


Do you ever getting to driven and forget to turn the radio on? When you realize that it is not turned on do you instantly flip the music on? Do you wait a little bit and just bask in the silence? Or maybe a little bit of both? Do you forget to turn on the radio because your mind is going in some many directions that you just simply don't even know if it's on or off?

Of course we all just like to enjoy life with out any noise. Can we do it on a regular basis? Do you want to do it on a regular basis?

I know that I could never just enjoy the sound of nothing on a regular basis maybe here and there. I would have to be thinking about sorts of random thoughts in order to just sit and enjoy the silence. Otherwise known as my mind!! At nights are where I enjoy the most silence. It's makes it easier to fall asleep of course but if you can't stop thinking about life or everyday problems, then it makes it hard to sleep. In that case it is nice to listen to music cause it helps block out the sounds of your brain!

So the questions is can you actually go without listening to music on a daily basis?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I guess this proves that I really do think at random! I got to thinking (shocking) and this is what I was thinking!

What happens when dreams come true? Are they considered dreams? I don’t the answer to these questions from a factual stand point but I do know that dreams can come true. In my mind life is one big dream. You dream up your whole life. You follow your hopes and dreams as some would say. Most don’t understand when people say follow your hopes and dreams they really mean it. When you dream you are hoping for better things, with that hope you usually find it. Find it by meaning you find those betters things, whether it be a better place, a better friend, or on a bigger perspective a better life.
I am a night owl so I seem to get my dreaming out of the way during the day, or at least the dreams that I can remember. In my mind I think that the dreams that you don’t really remember are the dreams that really come true. Now for if they are still considered dreams, I would have to say yes. If I would have said no there is no way people could be living their dreams…Right?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I put my friends before,
I put my family before,
I put my future before,
I put everything out there,
I put my own life out,

I struggle to make decisions,
I struggle to find mistakes,
I struggle to understand,
I struggle to feel free,

I fear change,
I fear my own self,
I fear my family,
I fear failure,

I live for friends,
I live for family,
I live for future,
I live for my own life,
I take it all seriously,

I stop but…

I can’t stop,
I can’t breathe when things are bad,
I can’t be free when things are feared,
I can’t concentrate life is hard,
I can’t think when things are painful,
I can’t fear my own life…worrying about my family and friends

I struggle to find truth,
I struggle to find reality,
I struggle to find love,
I struggle to find the ones that really matter,
I struggle period….

Life is hard… people are cruel… family is tough… friends are confusing…
Together they make me happy… the hardest things in life are what my whole life is about

New blog

I decided today would be a good time to start blogging. I'm spend most of my free time just hanging out! When I am not free I'm at work! I love to think at random. I'm big into writing poems, granted they may not be the best poems in the world but I seem to like them. I wonder about all kinds of problems I may come across throughout my life. I run thoughts of random situations that I could write about. I seem to think that I dream a lot, or for better understanding I seem to think freely. I recently moved away from my parents, when I mean move away I don't mean down the street, I mean I moved 1100 miles away. I normally wouldn't have much a problem with this, which I don't, but it's a big change of pace than what I am used to. I am for sure this is the place I want to live right now but it's hard to not have my parents to fall back on. Therefore I think a lot more than usual, so I will be writing a lot more than usual. I figured if I'm going to be writing a lot more than usual, then why not share it with people that are bored and have nothing better to do than read my awesome blog.

Today is My day

Today is my day, They big one, The day to feel great, Today is everyday!
When I found truth, I found change, I lived for fear, Now I live for love,
I spend time alone, To hear my mind, I dream at night, And feel like flying,
Today is my day, A day to be glad, A day to be me, A day to be free,
When I find peace, I find friends, I lived for freedom, Now I live for love,
I spend time away, To hear my own voice, I sleep well, And feel like crying,
Today is my day, To be free, To love me, To live free,

To be alone….

New Place

It’s weird, The people are different, The time is twisted, The freedom is great
People change, Times change, Life changes, Friends stay
Dreams are made, Freedom is found, People are new, Friends stay
Family is scared, Work is busy, New friends are made, Friends stay
Time races, Life flies, People try, Friend cry It’s weird
New places, New People, New faces, Same friends