Thursday, August 25, 2011

Red Sky

There's a red sky tonight

The sound of the cars engine

The sound of the radio on

There's a car next to mine

The light turns green

The tires screech

There's an alert feel in my heart

The terror in my face

The fear in his

There's a twinkle in my eye

The thought of police sirens in my head

The thought of handcuffs breaking my wrists

There's a light up ahead

The sound kids playing

The picture of a mom and son in my head

There's a kid in the road

The sound of a hole in the road

The sound of kids crying

There's a kid in the road

The sound of my tires screeching

The thought of death runs in my head

There's a kid in the road

The blur of a car wreck in the distance

The mother crying

There's a red sky tonight

The sound of an ambulance

The sound of cars running

There's a tear in my eye

The sound of my heart beat

The thought of being dead

There's fear in my expression

The thought of murder

The sight of ciaos

There's a storm in my head

The smell of tires

The sight of blood on my hands

There's stiffness in my legs

The ground is wet

The rain and blood on my hands is cold

There's a star in the sky

The feel of my tears on my cheek

The thought of a cop chasing me

There's a red sky tonight

The sound of a door opening

The sound of a man reading me my rights

There's strange sense in my head

The thought of jail brings pain to my heart

The handcuff crush my wrists as I sit

There's a key in the ignition

The sound of two doors shut

The sound of men talking

There's a walkie talkie on

The sound of the sirens going

The sound of the road as we move

There's fear in my mind

The sound of the judge screaming "guilty!"

The sound of chains as i walk to my cell

There's bars on my door

The sound of men in the other cell

The sound of guns being shot

There's a murder in jail

The sound of alarms

The sight of a key in my cell door

There's a red sky tonight

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